Monday, March 25, 2013

Coding Partner

When coding with a partner, we had to determine if we saw each coding variable the same way. Original variables like more confident were seen twice, but we eliminated one of them since when a person mentioned more confidence in negotiation, they also reported more confidence in communication. Respect for others opinions/ being open minded were also combined with seeing different view points because they were often reported together and described in the same way. It was hard to determine when one was separate from the other. The frequency of response chart helped us determine whether the coding themes we found were actually repeated throughout the data. In several cases, it was difficult to determine the difference between to themes without being bias, so they were eliminated. Originally, the theme of no change and always good at communication were split into two separate categories because more people actually reported that they had no improvement in their communication and negotiation rather than them reporting they were always good at it.  When determining the final coding themes, there were few discrepancies. The ones that we did experience we fixed by eliminating or slightly altering how it was described. Themes that suggested no change, more confidence and more direct were less frequent than the themes that were more general like better communication and more willing to initiate conversation. Some of the themes created were actually reported less frequently than expected once the table was generated. Overall, there were more themes discussing communication changes than negotiation.

·    Communication 

A.   Stronger Communication Skills
B.    More Talkative/Open
C.     More Direct / Blunt Straightforward
D.     More Social/Outgoing  
E.     Respect Other Opinions / More Open Minded
F.       Always good at communication /No Change
G.     More willing to walk up to people or initate converstion 
H.   Not good with communication/ no change

A.   Better at negotiation
B.     Increased Patience
C.     More Confident
D.     Better/Easier Communication

Sunday, March 17, 2013

College and Communication

When looking at the responses concerning communication, I first highlighted the main idea in each response. I looked for any thing that indicated whether they stayed the same,an increase or decrease. When it increased or decreased, I kept track of each time someone responded with an increase or decrease in communication skills. I also noticed when someone mentioned the skills that affected their negotiation or communication skills. There were almost no responses that indicated people's communication skills decreased while attending college. If anything, their skills stayed the same. People reported that their communication continually gets better during college, and they have become more open with themselves and about others. Several responses also suggested that activities and experiences at college has helped them to make these improvements in negotiation and communication while attending college. Even people who still consider themselves shy, they describe themselves as more outgoing and social than they were in the past. For the most part all responses reported to the question were positive improvements. According to the responses, people have taken more responsibility in their communication which has allowed hem more practice in communication and negotiation. People who reported an increase of communication skills also reported an increase in confidence and ability to make friends. Patience also influenced how they interacted with people. They reported being able to communicate and negotiate better with others because of becoming me patient since college. The repeated themes that were seen throughout the responses were :

·    Communication 
       More Confident
·         Stronger Communication Skills
·         More Talkative/Open
·         More Direct / Blunt Straightforward
·         More Social/Outgoing  
·         Respect Other Opinions / More Open Minded
·         Always good at communication /No Change
·         More willing to walk up to people
·         Better at negotiation
·         Increased Patience
·         More Confident
·         Seeing Different Points of views
·          Better Communication
·         Easier Communication